Orexplore Insight®.

providing an overview of
scanned core.
current drill hole,
with support for
panning and zooming.
Down-hole elements plot showing detected chemical elements for each section of core.
tomography view showing
the currently
selected segment.
showing the mean element concentration
for the selected segment.
Advanced render settings
for customising the
3D tomography rendering.
Seeing is believing.
Once the GeoCore X10® has analysed the drill core samples, results are sent to Orexplore Insight® — a powerful reveal-all software, with the findings shown in unprecedented digital detail. In an intuitive UI, you’ll see 3D structure, density, detected chemical elements, and emerging mineralogy models at high resolution.
Detailed insights delivered, like never before – release your core insights.

providing an overview
of scanned core.
the current drill hole,
with support for panning
and zooming.
plot showing chemical
elements concentrations
in grams per tonne.
tomography view showing
the currently selected segment.
showing the mean element concentration
for the selected segment.
for customizing the
3D tomography rendering.
Seeing is believing.
Once the GeoCore X10 has analysed the drill core samples, results are sent to Orexplore Insight® — a powerful reveal-all software, with the findings shown in unprecedented digital detail. In an intuitive UI, you’ll see 3D structure, density, and detected and emerging mineralogy models at high resolution.
Detailed insights delivered, like never before; you have to see it to believe it.
Your Virtual Core Farm™.
Go beneath the surface.
Orexplore Insight® organises geological information from drill holes, comprising a digital archive of all scanned drill core in the logging process. It’s a virtual core farm that’s accessible from wherever you are. In addition to an interactive 3D view of the structure, you’ll be able to see inside the core — not just what’s on the surface. A comprehensive breakdown of detected elements, density, texture, fabric and grain size, helps you make data-driven decisions about your project.

Take a closer look.

Geological structures.
The GeoCore X10® CT scan generates 3D visualisation of the drill core’s interior, revealing planar structures (foliations, beddings, veins and faults) and linear structures. The GeoCore X10® supports rotational orientation preservation of oriented drill cores. This orientation will then be maintained in the 3D tomographic data, allowing for true representations of Alpha and Beta angles.
The measured density is presented at sample resolution, with one data point per scanned sample. These density values are based on the weight of the sample, as measured by the load cell of the GeoCore X10® during scanning, and the rock volume is given by the 3D tomography image. A density variation along the sample is estimated at 8mm resolution. These density values are based on the mass as determined by the mineral composition of the rock and known mineral densities, and rock volume.

Detected elements.
Detected levels of chemical elements with atomic number 1 to 92 (Hydrogen to Uranium), excluding noble gases and radioactive elements, are presented as a line graph along the drill hole, in addition to a detection map concentration map and classical table. The line graph is suitable for finding element hot spots while the concentration map provides an overview of detected elements and helps identify geological facies and correlations between elements. In table format, measured elements ( >16) are distinguished from inferred elements, which are calculated from the mineralogical model.
Data access & storage.
Data stored on local heavy-duty servers are mirrored to an offsite data warehouse, to enable seamless data sharing with your organisation. Orexplore Insight® allows you to export assay data, planar and linear geological structures and density to your preferred geo modelling software. All data transferred over the Internet is protected by strong encryption to prevent tampering. Continuous backups ensure that data isn’t lost or misplaced.

You have to see it to believe it.
So, we'll show you.
Get in touch to learn how Orexplore Insight® can help you increase value and move towards more sustainable mining.